Options - Web

LanTopoLog cannot act as a Web server.
To publish the map LanTopoLog uses any external Web server.


Turn on option "Save map files to the web folder" for continuously updating
LanTopoLog web pages and select file extension (htm or php).

In the field 1 enter the path where LanTopoLog htm/php files are to be saved.
May be network path (e.g., \\server\sharename)

In the field 2 enter the local path corresponding to LanTopoLog folder web address
on the Web server machine. If LanTopoLog and Web server reside
on the same machine then enter the same path as in the field 1.

In the field 3 enter LanTopoLog folder web address. For example http://<web_server_name>/ltl

In the field 4 enter HTTP address for the ltsearch.cgi
In order to enable search function, you need to configure CGI support on your Web server.
For more info see your Web server documentation.
Copy the file ltsearch.cgi into the directory designated for CGI-scripts on your Web server.
For Linux Web Server the ltsearch.cgi file is located here: ...\Script\Linux\ltsearch.cgi

The following are typical values for Apache Web Server:
1. C:\Apache24\htdocs\ltl
2. C:\Apache24\htdocs\ltl
3. http://<web_server_name>/ltl
4. http://<web_server_name>/cgi-bin/ltsearch.cgi

The following are typical values for Microsoft IIS Web Server:
1. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ltl
2. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ltl
3. http://<web_server_name>/ltl
4. http://<web_server_name>/scripts/ltsearch.cgi

The following are typical values for Linux Web Server:
1. \\linux_machine\share_name_for_ltl
2. /var/www/html/ltl
3. http://<web_server_name>/ltl
4. http://<web_server_name>/cgi-bin/ltsearch.cgi

The HTTP address for the LanTopoLog map: http://<web_server_name>/ltl/nettop.htm(php)

You can restrict access to LanTopoLog webpages using PHP. For this you need to add custom
php code to LanTopoLog php files. See the file ..\LanTopoLog2\Import\rename_add_php.txt for
further instructions.

Remote control via a web browser

A Web browser allows you to perform all discovery steps remotely.
For this in the search field, enter following commands:
<step1> - The analogue of the "Run device discovery" button in the GUI version
<step2> - The analogue of the "Collect SNMP data" button in the GUI version
<step3> - The analogue of the "Discover the Topology" button in the GUI version
<step4> - The analogue of the "Apply the New Topology" button in the GUI version
The command must be entered along with angle brackets.
Then click the "Search" button.
Instead of searching, the process of executing the entered command is launched.
You need to wait for the previous command to finish (<end> message in the log).
Otherwise, you will get a message "Busy. Try later."
You can see the result of the command execution in the log.
Commands like this are also possible:
<step1234> - All steps in one command
<step1234> - "Discover only the part of the map under this switch"
<step123> - You can check the new map before "Apply the New Topology"

Other useful commands:
<stop> - The analogue of the "Stop" button in the GUI version
<clear alarm> - The analogue of the "Clear Alarms" button in the GUI version
<clear new> - The analogue of the "Remove Mark" button in the GUI version
<get fdb> - The analogue of the "Run Computer Discovery" menu item in the GUI version

After you click the "Search" button the search script creates the cmd.txt file
in the folder you specified in the web option (item 2).
The first line of this file contains the command you enter.
LanTopoLog reads this file and executes the command.
If this file is not created, then this most likely means that the ltsearch.cgi script
does not have write permission to this folder.
For example, in case of IIS Web Server, you need to give write permission
to this folder for the IUSR user. You have to decide for yourself how safe it is.
Also, you can create the cmd.txt ANSI file yourself and copy it to this folder.
After the command completes, LanTopoLog delete the cmd.txt file.